Incorporate work on the hara, learn to individualize each session and complete Watsu®’s standard form.
April 2025 | Madrid

Taught by Elisa Muñoz Blanco

17th of April – 21st of April 2025 in Hospital Fundación Instituto San José, Madrid, Spain.

(50 hours credit hours with Watsupath Training Institute https://watsupath.com and the Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association http://watsu.com for the professional training in Watsu®)

Specific method of aquatic therapy characterized by one-on-one sessions in which a Practitioner gently cradles, moves, stretches, and massages Receiver in warm water, with nose and mouth above water surface; for relaxation, recreation, personal growth, and therapy; originally developed by Harold Dull at Harbin Hot Springs.

Harold Dull was the creator of Watsu® and Tantsu®. Harold was formed with the head teacher of Zen Shiatsu in Japan, Shizuto Masunaga (author of “Zen Shiatsu”), and the two major teachers in America, Reuho Yamada and Wataru Ohashi.

After returning from Japan, Dull began to apply the stretches of Zen Shiatsu in warm water, and, with the help of others from different fields, over the years developed the Watsu® that is helping people around the world.

In the 80s Harold created the Registry http://watsu.com that presents to the public the list of all the instructors authorized to teach Watsu® and their classes and stores the transcripts of all their students. At the same time an educational nonprofit, WABA, took over Harold´s school at Harbin Hot Springs. The school was sold, and a new Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association https://waba.pro has been formed by the instructors and Training Institutes on the Registry.

Original price


Early bird price


Auditors price


Students are required to pay a facility fee of 34,48 €/day (a total of 172,40) to access the pool and use the group room for land classes. The total fee for the five days is included in the final price and will be detailed in the invoice delivered at the end of the course.


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COURSE CONTENTS (5 days, 50 hours)

Students expand their repertiore of basic aquatic moves, apply Shiatsu principals and practice into the waterwork. Students will learn to become more attuned to the client’s movement and explore this in the context of an aquatic session.

  • Intermediate moves
  • Applied Shiatsu points & meridians
  • Depth of presence & attunment

Student achieves the following goals:

  • Expand each of the positions learned in the Transition Flow with additional moves and stretches. Learn how to adapt them to the one in your arms.
  • Learn what moves need to be repeated on both sides and what need only be done on one side, and how to best utilize the time this frees.
  • Incorporate work on the hara.
  • Learn to individualize each session.
  • Complete Watsu’s standard form.

Having completed at least a Watsu® 1, credited by Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association W.A.B.A.

Once student has completed Watsu® 2, s(h)e will have access to Watsu® 3 when, once the Demonstration of Competency has been completed, the credited Instructor has evaluated the student favorably, and the student has performed the number of required free and/or supervised practice sessions and received the required number of sessions from a credited Practitioner.

The class will be taught in English and Spanish.


At the end of the course a Certificate of Participation will be awarded by Watsupath Training Institute, the only Training Institute in Spain accredited by Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association W.A.B.A. valid for the Watsu® Professional Training program.


The class will be taught with at Fundación Instituto San José, in Madrid, Spain (see details below).

  • Commencing on Thursday, the 17th of April 2025 at 8:30 H.
  • and closing on 21st of April 2025 at 18:00 H.

We recommend arriving at least fifteen minutes before beginning of the class to complete your registration and familiarize yourself with the facility. The daily class schedule will be communicated to you on the first day of class (indicatively every day from 9:00 to 19:00, with a lunch break).

We will need every single hour of the class, so please do your best to arrive in time and organize your travel back home in such a way that you won’t need to leave before the end of class. Any hour missed during the class must be recovered with individual supervisions.


Elisa Muñoz Blanco

Physioterapist, MSc in Pediatrics. Professor at Physiotherapy degree and Professor at Master´s degree in Pediatrics in Universidad San Pablo-CEU (CEU Universities).

Expert in Craniomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Osteopathy, Craniosacral Therapy, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Induction Therapy and Traditional Thai Massage, in Psychosomatic Medicine and Short Psychotherapy.

Watsupath Training Institute Founder and Director. Craniosacral Therapy in Water concept´s Creator and Instructor. Certified Watsu® 1 & 2 Instructor and Clinical Watsu® 3- Free Flow Instructor by Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association. Certified Ai Chi® Instructor by Aquadynamics Institute_Japan. Vipassana meditator, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga practitioner and instructor, freediver and curious constant seeker.


Registration fee is 760 Euros. See below for discounts and reductions.

The registration fee includes all tuition fees, learning materials and the assistance during class hours. It does not however include travel expenses, food and lodging costs, or the use of all class related facilities. (See the following paragraph Facility Cost).

Registrations will be accepted on a first come – first served basis. The registrations will be valid only upon completion of the Registration Form and online deposit.


Early bird discount: Students sending their registration and payment receipt before the 22nd of February 2025 will get 15% discount.  Not cumulative with other discounts. COUPON: watsu2

Auditor discount: The students that have attended this class before will get a 30% discount of the course fee. Not cumulative with other discounts. COUPON: auditorw2


If, after registering to the class, the student needs to cancel their registration, these rules and conditions will be applied:

  • Cancellation is permitted only if requested in writing by email to info@watsupath.com at least 6 full weeks prior to beginning of the class. 
  • Cancellation requested via email 4 full weeks or more before the beginning of the class students will receive back their full deposit less a 50,00 Euros administration fee.
  • Cancellations requested via email less than 4 full weeks before the class start date, will lose any refund of the deposit.

In case the minimum number of students is not achieved the organization has the faculty to postpone or cancel the course. In case of cancellation, you will be refunded the full deposit with no further compensation. In case of postponement the deposit will be refunded to the students who request it.




C/ Pinar de San José, 98

28044 MADRID.


Facility Cost:

Fundación Instituto San José will make available their facilities for the use of registered students on this course. This includes heated swimming pool, shower and land instruction.

Students are required to pay a facility fee of 34,48 €/day (a total of 172,40) to access the pool and use the group room for land classes. The total fee for the five days is included in the final price and will be detailed in the invoice delivered at the end of the course.


The cafeteria at Fundación Instituto San José offers us the option of menu with the entire group (9´20 Euros/approx). Please let us know, as we need to confirm in advance.

Likewise, in the same cafeteria they serve sandwiches and burgers. The dining room booked for the group is equipped with microwave, so you can bring your own lunch if desired.


Hostal Granado


Calle del Espinar, 8

+34.91 462 41 11

This hostel has good connection to the pool and is also very popular. If you are clear, you are joining the class, book your room as soon as possible.

You can always check AirB&B or booking.com for further locations.

We are responsible of the logistics of the class, and always happy to help you. It is your responsibility to find your tickets, accommodation and transport.


CAR: http://www.fundacioninstitutosanjose.es/contacto
M-40 exit 30, Cuatro Vientos
M-45, towards N-V, M40 _exit 30
M-30, towards N-V, Cuatro Vientos exit

From Aluche (connection with metro line 5 and nearby C5s): 483 and 487 towards La Fortuna.
From Plaza elíptica (connection with line 6 and 11 of metro): 486 towards La Fortuna.

METRO: Line 5 (light green) towards Casa de Campo. Get off at Aluche (link with bus).
Line 11 (dark green) towards La Peseta. Get off at La Peseta and walk 15 Min.

TRAIN: RENFE has regular services to Madrid. By suburban train: line C-5 (yellow), to Móstoles – El Soto. Get off at Aluche (link with bus).

PLANE: Airport of Madrid – Barajas


Watsupath Training Institute

e-mail: info@watsupath.com