WATERNESS Journey™ Training-Retreat

Aquatic bodywork training “Waterness Journey™” and somatic investigation including free movement, C.I. and Yoga

Taught by Sophie Costes. Assistant: Cristina Arcos Trancho

31 May – 4 June 2023 in Masia Magadins Nou – Moià (Barcelona), Spain

Aquatic bodywork training “Waterness Journey™” and somatic investigation including free movement, Contact Improvisation, Yoga and breathing exercises.

(50 hours credit hours with Watsupath Training Institute https://watsupath.com and the Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association http://watsu.com for the professional training in Watsu®)


Waterness Journey ™ is a modality, with specificity on the techniques of underwater work and three-dimensional massage, offering the possibility for the recipient to enter into an interactive movement.

As beginners or future professionals in water treatments, Waterness™ brings you valuable tools thanks to its detailed technique that we practice extensively, and the integrative processes to respond in real time to a pro active receiver.

Inside our bubble of nature, in the Masia, before breakfast, we practise together soft yoga postures and we use mental concentration exercises (meditation, pranayama, Mudras and visualisation) in order to keep a more refined presence throughout the day.

Stretching the body, breathing while being aware of the impact of the energetic stimulation, not only gives us new experiences on a bodily level, but also supports a nervous system and neuronal balance which is essential for the assimilation of the aquatic learning days.

The somatic work (contact dance, proposal of free and directed movement) completes this legibility between the qualities of the water element and the properties of the earth, with a playful approach that favours the integration of the content of the training.

[sc name=”en_event_prices” price1=”680,00″ price2=”578,00″ price3=”476,00″]

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– Morning yoga practice proposal: Asanas, breathing, visualisation & mudras.

– Contact-Impro and free or lead movement

– Spaces for somatic practice dedicated to the exploration of improvisation and self-developpement – individual and group research.

– Somatic work on land to move on to work in water.


– Synchronisation of breathing and movement to coordinate immersion.

– Studies of surface expansion and compression movements, underwater work (inversions, movements with centripetal and centrifugal or sudden change of direction,).

– Practice of massage, deep stretching, release points and mobilisation with a 360° approach.

– Work on the forces at play to apply acceleration and deceleration

– Create a safe position for the receiver and a healthy posture for the giver.

– The water creates a space for observation and facilitation of spontaneous movements, and potentiates the interaction between the giver and receiver as partners in play.

– Practice spaces dedicated to the exploration of real-time improvisation in the water and review of the technical content of the daily course.


You will receive a Certificate issued by Watsupath Training Institute, unique training institute credited in Spain by W.A.B.A. Wolrdwide Aquatic Bodywork Association to teach Watsu®.

This course has no pre-requisites. The course will be taught in English and Spanish.

  • Commencing on Wednesday, the 31st of Mayo 2023 at 9:00 H
  • Closing on Sunday, 4th of June 2023 at 18:00 H.

It is recommended that you arrive the day before so that you can start the training the next day rested and focused. If you need to, you can also arrive on the day of the course, at least half an hour before the start, to complete registration and familiarise yourself with the facilities. The detailed timetable will be communicated on the first day of the retreat (approximately every day from 9:00 to 20:00, with a break for lunch and rest) and optional yoga in the morning.

We will need every single hour of the class, so please do your best to arrive in time and organize your travel back home in such a way that you won’t need to leave before the end of class. Any hour missed during the class must be recovered with individual supervisions.


Registration fee is 680 Euros. See below for discounts and reductions.

The registration fee includes all tuition fees, learning materials and the assistance during class hours. It does not however include travel expenses, food and lodging costs, or the use of all class related facilities (See the following paragraph Facility Cost).

Registrations will be accepted on a first come – first served basis. The registrations will be valid only upon completion of the Registration Form and online deposit.


Early bird discount: Students completing their registration through the payment getaway before the 28th of February 2023 will get 15% discount. Not cumulative with other discounts. Coupon wjbarcelona

Auditor discount: Students that have attended this class before will get a 30% discount of the total ourse fee. Not cumulative with other discounts. Coupon auditorwj


If, after registering to the class, the student needs to cancel their registration, these rules and conditions will be applied:

Cancellation is permitted only if requested in writing by email to info@watsupath.com at least 6 full weeks prior to beginning of the class.

Cancellation requested via email 4 full weeks or more before the beginning of the class students will receive back their full deposit less a 50,00 Euros administration fee.

Cancellations requested via email less than 4 full weeks before the class start date, will lose any refund of the deposit.

In case the minimum number of students is not achieved the organization has the faculty to postpone or cancel the course. In case of cancellation you will be refunded the full deposit with no further compensation. In case of postponement the deposit will be refunded to the students who request it.



Moianès Region, between Moià and I´Estany (Barcelona)



Magadins Nou is a rural farmhouse located between forests and fields, in an isolated and quiet area that allows you to disconnect from civilization and reconnect with nature and your inner self.

We will have the whole rural house at our disposal. The farmhouse has double and triple rooms, in case you decide to come with a family member or friend, all exterior rooms, a heated indoor swimming pool, a polyvalent room and numerous places in the garden where you can find your own space.

The participation fee includes:

– accommodation in double and triple rooms from the night of the 30th of May (5 nights)

– menu specially designed for us and prepared at the Masia by our chef specialised in macrobiotics.

– use of the swimming pool

– use of polyvalent room and other spaces and

– tourist taxes

480€ per person. This amount will be paid preferably by bank transfer or PayPal. Check-in at the Masía is on 30th May from 17:00.

We are responsible of the logistics of the class, and always happy to help you. It is your responsibility to find your tickets and transport.



Crtra. C-59, between Moià and l’Estany. 08180, Barcelona (Spain)

GPS: 41°50’30.2″N 2°06’09.4″E

Código plus: R4R3+J2 Montvi de Baix


From Barcelona:

By car: Exit on the Meridiana or the Rondas in the direction of Girona, pass the first toll, exit in the direction of Caldes de Montbui, follow the C-59 road to Moià first and continue in the direction of l’Estany. At Km 43, you will find the Magadins Nou signpost on the right.

By bus: From Estació d’Autobusos de Fabra i Puig, Line e9 to Moià. We will try to pick you up at the bus station in Moià, as the Masia is 6.5 km from this village.
