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Elisa Muñoz Blanco
Instituto Watsupath™
Evidencia Científica
Evidencia científica
Application areas and effects of aquatic therapy WATSU – A survey among practitioners
Passive Hydrotherapy WATSU for Rehabilitation of an Accident Survivor
The Impact of WATSU as Physiotherapy Method on Fatigue for People Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis
The role of spinal inhibitory neuroreceptors in the antihyperalgesic effect of warm water immersion therapy
WATSU therapy for individuals with Parkinson's disease to improve quality of sleep and quality of live
Ai Chi for Balance and Gait in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
Ai Chi for Long COVID
Effects of Ai-Chi Practice on Balance and Left Cerebellar Activation during High Working Memory Load Task in Older People
Influence of Aquatic Therapy in Children and Youth with Cerebral Palsy: A Qualitative Case Study in a Special Education School
Effects of Aquatic Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder on Social Competence and Quality of Life: A Mixed Methods Study
A Systematic Review of the Effects of Aquatic Therapy on Motor Functions in Children with Cerebral Palsy
Efficacy of aquatic exercise on pulmonary function and aquatic skills performance in older children with cerebral palsy
ICF CY as a Framework for Aquatic Activities
Improvements in babies’ neuropsychomotor development after family-centered Kids Intervention Therapy – Aquatic Environment
Physical Therapy Treatment in Children with Cerebral Palsy
The Use of Aquatic Environment for Children with Disabilities
Effects of aquatic exercise in elderly women
Evaluation of short-term effects of three passive aquatic interventions on chronic non-specific low back pain
Evidenced-based aquatic therapy guidelines for Parkinson's disease
Physical therapy interventions to manage pain in Parkinson’s disease
Terapia acuática: Abordajes desde la fisioterapia, la terapia ocupacional y la logopedia
The Heart of WATSU®: Therapeutic Applications in Clinical Practice